Red Moon

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Kosmos databank contains restricted information relating to
[ Chikage ] [ Tairiku ] [ Invictus ]By accessing Kosmos you agree that you, the player are 21 years old and older.


The Corporation involved with developing and production of Chikage Weapons.


A high end lounge offering food, drinks and courtesans. The venue also houses weapon showcases of Chikage's wares.


The shadow organization team behind much of Chikage's power.

Opal Bearers

The elite of Invictus. Highly skilled individuals who swore the oath.

The Five Cartels

The threats that members of Red Moon have to contend with.

The Guide

Understanding the system in RedMoon's DM events

Redblades' system is modified from the TTRPG game, Blades In The Dark and it's what we use to run our DMed events in a FF14 setting.
The system encourages creative thinking and relies on D6 rolls to determine the degree of success for actions. Such actions are often decided after some back and forth between GM and player and is highly encouraged.You may be required to have a character sheet set up to participate, especially if you want to delve deeper into the system. It's easy! Just react to the Redblades role in the discord and we'll ping you when there's beginner friendly event.



[ Introduction ]The Basics[ Judgement Calls and Actions ][ Traits ][ Types of rolls ][ Abilities & Weapons ][ Turn Sequence and resolution ][ XP and progrssion ]-------------------------------[ Downtime ][ Jobs ][ Crafting ][ The Coin ]

You should already have a character in FFXIV and an idea of what kind of character they are. We will use this character in the Redblades events. Do note that while death and life altering injuries may occur, it will only happen at the player's consent.
The players work together with the Game Master to establish the tone and style of the game by making judgment calls about the mechanics, dice, and consequences of actions. The players take responsibility as co-authors of the game with the GM.The Game Master
The GM establishes the dynamic world around the characters. The GM plays all the non-player characters in the world by giving each one a concrete desire and preferred method of action.
The GM helps organize the conversation of the game so it’s pointed toward the interesting elements of play. The GM isn’t in charge of the story and doesn’t have to plan events ahead of time. They present interesting opportunities to the players, then follow the chain of action and consequences wherever they lead.Communication in game
It's usually done via two channels during a session. One for RP, and another for OOC chats, where discussions and decisions are made between players and GM. You will also roll dice in this channel. Usually either party chat or CWL.
Time Needed
Each job is designed to be fast, travel is usually via Chikage's signature dropship, the 'Lupus' and extraction happens similarly. Each session should normally not be longer than three hours. Usually.


Judgement call and dice

[ Introduction ][ The Basics ]Judgement Calls and Actions[ Traits ][ Types of rolls ][ Abilities & Weapons ][ Turn Sequence and resolution ][ XP and progrssion ]-------------------------------[ Downtime ][ Jobs ][ Crafting ][ The Coin ]

Judgment calls (Taking action to solve a problem)
The player will be making several judgement calls. Everyone contributes but the players or the GMs will have the final say for each.
What actions are reasonable solutions to a problem? Can this person be swayed? Will our skill with the flow of aether be sensitive enough to diagnose an injury or should we rely instead on the medical tools on hand? The players have the final say.
How dangerous and how effective is any given action in this circumstances? How risky is this? Can this person be swayed a little or completely? The GM has the final say.
What consequences happen in any given situation? Does this fall break your leg? Do the guards merely become suspicious or do they already have you trapped? The GM has final say.
Rolling the Dice and Resolving Actions
Players use six-sided dice in FF. Commonly done by typing "/random 6" in party or CWL.
The player may roll several at once and read the single highest result.
If the highest die is a 6, it's full success
If the highest die 4 or 5, it's a partial success. You do what you were trying to, but there are consequences to your actions that may result in a combination of additional trouble, harm, reduced effect etc.
If the highest die is 1-3, it's a failure. Things go poorly, you don't achieve your goal and suffer complications.
In order to solve the problem, Players will decide on an action rating for your character, commonly known as stat, to roll on. We'll cover the types of action ratings a player can have in the next section.

The system comes with traits that the player will use to overcome most obstacles. The most common traits are actions, or stats in most other games.There are a total of 12 actions that are categorized under Insight, Prowess and Willpower.


Hunt: You carefully track a target.
Study: You scrutinize details and interpret evidence.
Survey: You observe the situation and anticipate outcomes.
Tinker: You fiddle with devices and mechanisms.


Finesse: You employ dexterous manipulation or subtle misdirection.
Prowl: You traverse skillfully and quietly.
Skirmish: You entangle a target in close combat so they can’t easily escape.
Wreck: You unleash savage force.


Cast: You open your mind and body to arcane power.
Command: You compel swift obedience.
Consort: You socialize with friends and contacts.
Sway: You influence with guile, charm, or argument.

For a more detailed explanation please mouseover the action ratings itself in our spreadsheet.Why So Much Overlap?
This is by design. As a player, you get to choose which action you roll, by saying what your character does. Can you try to Wreck someone during a fight? Sure! The GM tells you the position and effect level of your action in this circumstance. As it says, Skirmish might be better (less risky or more effective), depending on the situation at hand (sometimes it won’t be better).
In the next section we will go through how these action traits are used.


Types of Rolls

[ Introduction ][ The Basics ][ Judgement Calls and Actions ][ Traits ]Types of rolls[ Abilities & Weapons ][ Turn Sequence and resolution ][ XP and progrssion ]-------------------------------[ Downtime ][ Jobs ][ Crafting ][ The Coin ]

Action Rating Level (How good are your stats)
Each action has a rating from zero to four that tells you how many dice to roll when you perform that action. Action ratings don’t just represent skill or training—you’re free to describe how your character performs that action based on the type of person they are.
Maybe your character is good at Command because they have a scary stillness to them, while another character barks orders and intimidates people with their military bearing.You choose which action to perform to overcome an obstacle, by describing what your character does. Actions that are poorly suited to the situation may be less effective and may put the character in more danger, but they can still be attempted. Usually, when you perform an action, you’ll make an action roll to see how it turns out. Action Roll & Position (When you make a move)
You make an action roll when your character does something potentially dangerous or troublesome. The possible results of the action roll depend on your character’s position. Which is a way to describe how challenging the task is at that moment.
There are three positions: controlled, risky, and desperate. If you’re in a controlled position, the possible consequences for not rolling a 6 are less serious. Likewise, If you’re in a desperate position, the consequences can be severe. Resistance Roll (Your defense against bad stuff)
We consider how spread out your action ratings are in each of the categories when considering Resistance Rolls. Namely, Insight, Prowess and Willpower. As an example, if you have points in both Finesse and Prowl, then you are better off than someone who only has a point in Skirmish in Prowess.
If you get stabbed, for example, you resist physical harm with your Prowess. Resistance rolls always succeed—you diminish or deflect the bad result—but the better your roll, the less stress it costs to reduce or avoid the danger. Improving your Chances
Another team member can assist in the current player's action, the team member can decide to improve the current player's chances with an additional die or effect of their action.
Push themselves by taking 2 limit to gain an additional die Take a devil's bargain from the GM. (You can only either push yourself or take a bargain) Use a Flash back Improve the situation with equipment or ability


Equipment & Abilities

[ Introduction ][ The Basics ][ Judgement Calls and Actions ][ Traits ][ Types of rolls ]Abilities & Weapons[ Turn Sequence and resolution ][ XP and progrssion ]-------------------------------[ Downtime ][ Jobs ][ Crafting ][ The Coin ]


Resources you have available include your equipment and abilities. There are a lot of common tools of the trade shared amongst different jobs but also a handful of ones unique to your chosen job.Most of the time they enable an action, making it's effect better. It is afterall easier to infiltrate a base with a fine disguise kit than with nothing at all.Unlike most games, you do not decide what equipment you bring before a job but instead check them off as you use them.The only thing you decide before a job is your loadout. Whether or not you're approaching a job with a full sack worth of tools and armor or dressed light and in inconspicuous clothes.


Abilities enable certain job themed actions and help to modify your outcome or chances against a given situation. Everyone starts with one special ability and attain more by leveling. There is also the possibility of taking abilities from other jobs.


Equipment & Abilities

[ Introduction ][ The Basics ][ Judgement Calls and Actions ][ Traits ][ Types of rolls ][ Abilities & Weapons ]Turn Sequence and resolution[ XP and progrssion ]-------------------------------[ Downtime ][ Jobs ][ Crafting ][ The Coin ]

This is how a players turn will usually go.

Planning and Engagement phasePlayers:
Choose the engagement plan and supply the detail.
Decide on the loadout.
Go through major advantages and disadvantages.
Does the engagement roll to determine the starting position of the heist.
1d for sheer luck.
+1d for every major advantage.
-1d for every major disadvantage.
Critical: Exceptional result, you’ve overcome the first obstacle and you are in a controlled position for what’s next.
6: You are in a controlled position when the action starts.
4/5: You are in a risky position when the action starts.
1-3: You are in a desperate position when the action starts.

Turn Phase【Ⅰ】Player informs GM of his intentions.
【Ⅱ】GM let's them know what's the possible outcome by informing them of their position and effect.
【Ⅲ】Player decides if he wants to augment the number of dice or his effect by either
pushing themselves
take a devil's bargain
have someone else assist the player
【Ⅳ】dice are rolled
【Ⅴ】Action is resolved
【Ⅵ】Player writes their RP post and GM goes to next player

Here's a video on how rolls work in BitD


[ Introduction ][ The Basics ][ Judgement Calls and Actions ][ Traits ][ Types of rolls ][ Abilities & Weapons ][ Turn Sequence and resolution ]XP and progrssion-------------------------------[ Downtime ][ Jobs ][ Crafting ][ The Coin ]

Earning experience

In Red Blades, we earn XP through a few ways.
1. Each time you roll a desperate action, you get an XP in the corresponding attribute.
2. You addressed a challenge in a manner that fits your role/job.
3. You expressed your character's beliefs, heritage, drive or background.
4. You struggled with issues from your vice or breaks during the session.
5. Using Coin during downtime.


Downtime and how to maximize it


The jobs in RedBlades are meant to compliment and reflect your playstyle and do not usually interfere with your FFXIV job.

There are multiple jobs in the Redblades system.The Founder : an inventive saboteur & engineer
The Hound : a deadly sharpshooter & tracker
The Jack : a savvy pilot & deckhand
The Lurk : a stealthy infiltrator & assassin
The Rake : a dangerous & intimidating fighter
The Slide : a subtle manipulator & spy
The Spider : a devious mastermind & coordinator
The Stitch : a physician of body & soul
The Theurge : an arcane adept & channeler
Advanced jobs
The Ghost : a spirit without a body
The Hull : a soul bound to a mechanical frame
The Ravener : a being twisted by their dark hunter


During downtime, you can Tinker with special materials and tools to produce strange alchemicals, build (or modify) items, or enchant arcane implements or weapons. The system for each method is similar, with different details depending on the nature of the project. Inventing
To invent a formula for a new alchemical concoction or the plan for a new item of your design, you need to Study it as a long-term project. Most new formulas or designs will require an 8-segment progress clock to invent and learn. The player and the GM answer questions about the invention to define what it will do in play and what is required to create it (see below). The player records these answers in their notes for future reference.
Creation Questions
GM asks: “What type of creation is it and what does it do?” Player answers. A creation might be mundane, alchemical, arcane, or spark-craft. If a PC has an appropriate special ability (Alchemist, Artificer, Strange Methods), they get bonuses when inventing and crafting certain creation types.
Player asks: “What’s the minimum quality level of this item?” GM answers, with the magnitude of the effects the item produces as a guideline.
GM asks: “What rare, strange, or adverse aspect of this formula or design has kept it in obscurity, out of common usage?” Player answers.
Player asks: “What drawbacks does this item have, if any?” GM answers by choosing one or more from the drawbacks list, or by saying there are none.
A PC with the Alchemist, Artificer, or Strange Methods special abilities invents and learns one special formula when they take the ability (they don’t have to take time to learn it).
Once you’ve invented a formula or design, you can craft it by using a downtime activity (see Crafting, below). No one else can craft this invention unless they learn your design as a long-term project. If you acquire a formula or design invented by another tinkerer, you may learn to craft it by completing a long-term project.

Crafting Roll
1d for each Tinker action stat.
+1 quality per coin spent.
+1 quality for Workshop crew upgrade.
Critical: Quality level is Tier +2.
6: Quality level is Tier +1.
4/5: Quality level is equal to Tier.
1-3: Quality level is Tier -1.

To craft something, spend one downtime activity to make a Tinker roll to determine the quality level of the item you produce. The base quality level is equal to your crew’s Tier, modified by the result of the roll (see the results on the next page).The results are based on your crew’s Tier because it indicates the overall quality of the workspace and materials you have access to. If you do the work with the Workshop upgrade for your crew, your effective Tier level is one higher for this roll.The GM sets a minimum quality level that must be achieved to craft the item, based on the magnitude of the effect(s) it produces. The GM uses magnitude as a guideline for setting the quality level—it may be higher or lower at their discretion to better describe the nature of the project. An item may be crafted at higher quality if the player wishes to attempt it.You may spend coin 1-for-1 to increase the final quality level result of your roll (this can raise quality level beyond Tier +2).

Modifying an item
Adding a feature or additional function to an item is simpler than creating something new. You don’t need to invent a special formula or plan. Make a crafting roll to modify an item (the baseline quality of an item that you modify is equal to your crew’s Tier, as usual).
A simple, useful modification requires Tier +1 quality. A rifle that breaks down into two sections to be more easily concealed.
A significant modification requires Tier +2 quality. Strengthening the barrel and powder load of a gun to fire further.
An arcane, spark-craft, or alchemical modification requires Tier +3 quality. A dagger that can harm a demon. An electrified hull on a boat to repel boarders or ghosts. An outfit coated with chemicals to mask you from deathlands predators.
Modified items, like special creations, may have drawbacks.

A creation or modification may have one or more drawbacks, chosen by the GM.
Complex. You’ll have to create it in multiple stages; the GM will tell you how many. One downtime activity and crafting roll is needed per stage.
Conspicuous. This creation doesn’t go unnoticed. Take +1 heat if it’s used any number of times on an operation.
Consumable. This creation has a limited number of uses (all alchemicals must have this drawback, usually one use).
Rare. This creation requires a rare item or material when it is crafted.
Unreliable. When you use the item, make a fortune roll (using its quality) to see how well it performs.
Volatile. The item produces a dangerous or troublesome side-effect for the user, specified by the GM (see examples on the sample creations, next page). A side-effect is a consequence, and may be resisted.

Guide on Redblades currency system.


[ More Info ]

The corporate branch under RedMoon.Widely known as a weapons manufacturing corporation, Chikage.Their foundation was laid by the dark ops group known as Invictus and the financial backings of an unknown entity. Weapons that bear Chikage’s dragon and phoenix emblem has begun to gain notoriety amongst armed groups. Due in particular to the efficiency of Chikage’s proprietary N.E.R.U. crystals tech and its elemental imbuing properties.While Chikage is a business, it's roots lies in both yakuza and Garlean culture. The Oyabun heads the organization with his partner, the Lady Vermilion. The three divisions are headed by Opal Bearers who act as officers across the board and answer to the Oyabun.Aspirants are Opal Bearers in training. Followed by Kokuyos, the senior ranks and lastly Getcho, the junior ranks. The organization employs a number of freelancers as well.

The three divisions are.[ The science division Kageka, Shadow Sciences. ][ The business division Akaun, Red Fortune. ][ The martial division Hibuki, Weapons of Flame. ]


Shadow Sciences

Discover Innovation

Kageka, Shadow Sciences[ Akaun, Red Fortune ][ Hibuki, Weapons of Flame ]

Those who reach into the unknown shades of science and occult, Kageka.They are responsible for innovation and advancement of Chikage's core business. The carefully guarded secret to the N.E.R.U. Crystal tech as well as the development of other technologies. No science or magics is out of reach. If there's a way to weaponize something, Kageka will be the one. Their inventions and technologies are especially favored by the members of Hibuki who don't mind testing out new tools for their trade.Academics, aetherologists, researchers, engineers, people of science and knowledge. They do their best to work within the authority while pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable. Medical staff who employ all manners of unorthodox manner of healing.Those looking for funds to do research or push theories most other organizations wouldn’t fund are welcomed to pitch their ideas with any Opal Bearer.


Red Fortune

Strategize & Appropriate

[ Kageka, Shadow Sciences ]Akaun, Red Fortune[ Hibuki, Weapons of Flame ]

Those who enrich their existence through the beating pulse of business deals and relationships, Akaun.Members of Akaun are the profit minded who drive the business deals that funnel money into Chikage. Skilled in negotiation and drafting plans, they love their secrets. Masterminds who coordinate projects and pull the strings needed to stay ahead of the competition, sometimes with such goal oriented efficiency, that their methods are sometimes frowned upon by the members of Hibuki.Well versed with the ways of maneuvering between morality and laws. Wealth comes from many things, trade, sales, information. Members of Akaun are often found consorting with others, navigating the unpredictable social field with their sharp wits and even silver tongues.When necessary, members of Akaun are also capable field operatives and are often specialists in infiltration, scouting and surveying.


Weapons of Flame

Forge. Fortify. Constrain.

[ Kageka, Shadow Sciences ][ Akaun, Red Fortune ]Hibuki, Weapons of Flame

Those who forge and hone their skills through burning passion, Hibuki.Men of skill, experts in their chosen profession. They seek perfection nothing less in the art of their trade. From martial prowess, technological know-how, aetherical manipulation. Ones whom can be trusted with their hands, and in the field.Often working hand in hand with Kageka to develop and polish new tools. They are also tasked with maintaining daily operations within the company, the first members who are called to arms, and are often seen as overseers of the other two division.They are also the brawns and enforcers. Those who look for a cause to rally upon. Hibuki members are often the front-liners and the face of Chikage who deal with outsiders. They serve as security in Tairiku to ensure peace and stability. Pilots of Chikage's array of ships and vehicles, they expertly maneuver difficult terrain and provide essential support to ensure mission success.


[ More Info ]


The high class lounge caters to a range of customers from members of the public to high profile buyers of weapons and other certain hard to obtain goods.Tairiku offers a modern eastern flavored avenue to satiate their hunger for social company alongside traditional sushi and whiskey.The venue also serves as a housing for Chikage's weapons showcase and various other business meetings often occur within its walls.


[ More Info ]


The ferocity of the Steppe, now modernized.The origins of Invictus is shrouded in mystery. It's origins can be tracked to Kugane during the fall of the 7th Imperial Legion. During the great time of strife and conflict many details were lost to time however what came out of it were a group of four Xaela whose discipline was only matched by their ferocity.For they were not just strong. But each independent in mind. Independent in will. Yet they worked together for the same goal. Always taking the task most difficult with barely any information give.This is the Invictus way. We do not settle for anything but the best in the underworld. For its in the freedom of restraint where one can push themselves to their limit and achieve the impossible.There are of course dubious rumors and origins. Those closest to the Oyabun share a very cryptic sign language that they use to speak to one another. Those of who worked in certain organizations in Isabard may know of it.The armory they have access to, cleaned, maintained with discipline only matched by the harsh Garlean regime.They are not given the best equipment. Instead given a loadout tailored to their skills. With an arsenal designed to be untraceable, disposable. Leaving them dependent on their skills and cooperation.

Opal Bearers

[ More Info ]

Even among thieves, charlatans, and killers there are rules. These are the rules that the members of Invictus and those who bear the opal are meant to follow.🔸 Respect the structure as it stands; it exists for a reason. The final word of the family head is absolute, obey the orders you are given but speak your mind.🔸 In times of work, act with swiftness and with unity. Act also with impunity but complete the task within the boundaries and means of your crew without sacrificing your honour and the honour of the family.🔸 In times of leisure, act with civility among your brothers and sisters. If you must quarrel do so but betray not your brothers and sisters, for they are your blood and your heart in equal measure.🔸 Act with heart and with the family’s best interests in mind.
Whether you are behind the shroud of your mask, or with your face bared to the world
🔸Interfere not with the common man for he is not your enemy. Take not his bread nor coin. Leave his property intact, and leave him with his life.

To be an opal bearer, one must be ready to think outside the box, to make the best of a losing situation and the will to endure till the last moment in order to turn the tables into their favor. They need to be ruthless, Fearless, and unshackled. Think unconventionally and stick to the Oath.This Oath is what binds them together, along with a stone that each is given to their liking. Make no mistake. It is no ordinary stone and with it they are granted access to Kosmos’ vast database.

The Threats

The enemy cartel comprises of 5 groups.[ Sunken Skulls. ][ Sons of Coinarch. ][ Hand of Hasu. ][ Ad Astra Abyssoque. ][ Black Sun Collective ]

Members of Invictus are in a constant battle against the cartel made up of five groups. Each group with their own traits and risks.

Sunken Skulls

Basic Overview[ Notable characters ][ The Enemy ][ Noted Area of Operations ]

Other members of the cartel.Sunken Skulls[ Sons of Coinarch ][ Hand of Hasu ][ Ad Astra Abyssoque ][ Black Sun Collective ]


Goals and Focus :
They have hands in the syndicate and in most major shops in and around Ul’dah. They deal with all manners of crimes including drugs, kidnapping, blackmailing but their biggest pie of income comes from drugs and smuggling.
Gear and influence :
They have access to the usual blackmarket, easily accessible weaponry, no fancy magitek or spells. Favors arm to arm weaponry and ‘juicing’ themselves up.
Drugs and smuggling :
The tunnels prove to be their friend.
They have a code for directions within the tunnels. A certain placement of rocks to denote left right or straight ahead.

Sunken Skulls

[ Basic Overview ]Notable characters[ The Enemy ][ Noted Area of Operations ]

Other members of the cartel.Sunken Skulls[ Sons of Coinarch ][ Hand of Hasu ][ Ad Astra Abyssoque ][ Black Sun Collective ]

Notable members

Sideslick Menace:
A very small sized hyur. The underbelly tunnels expert. This guy lives and breathes the tunnels and practically stays in there. He is the guy that gives SS’s their tactical advantage against even the likes of the Grand Companies because of his extensive knowledge of the tunnels under Ul’dah. Sickly looking yet surprisingly agile, he dodges through holes and cracks faster than a monkey through trees. With a lack of social skills and near animalistic habits, Sideslick is only kept around because of the advantage he brings to SS’s strategies.
Major Domosnooze:
A dark highlander. The tactician. He’s the brains of SS. He’s the one that figures out who they need to kidnap and who they need to hit. If Sideslick Menace is the one finding the routes, Major Domosnooze is the one calling out the targets. Members of SS listen to Major like the law because he’s the one that’s almost always the cool-headed one and makes the right decisions most of the time.
Punisher Crackface:
Crackface gets his name not because of his tendency to murder by punching skulls in but because of the one time he had his skull smashed but somehow survived the ordeal. When asked about the moment when he emerged with the horrendous facial injuries, his response of ‘you should see the other guy’ might have been more amusing if it weren’t for the fact that he looked like he was on death’s door itself and somehow still walking. If SS is known for their violent tendencies, Crackface IS the face of violence. No one else in SS comes close when it comes to the amount of body counts and while many members of SS boast about wanting to take one Crackface in arm to arm combat, most secretly do not wish to because to tango with the Punisher himself would no doubt emerge with at least a few broken bones if they’re lucky.

Sunken Skulls

[ Basic Overview ][ Notable characters ]The Enemy[ Noted Area of Operations ]

Other members of the cartel.Sunken Skulls[ Sons of Coinarch ][ Hand of Hasu ][ Ad Astra Abyssoque ][ Black Sun Collective ]

What we know

As the red in their insignia suggest, the Sunken Skull invokes fear through violent and oftentime cruel punishments to those that cross their path. “Blood is a sign of power” and its a power they wield with surprising accuracy. Resorting to brutish tactics but with deadly accuracy. Anyone who gets in their way is dismembered, dissolving corpses, hanging corpses from bridges and impaling heads on pikes as a sign of their territory. They rely on the physically capable members with hit and run tactics or through the sheer savagery of their cruel tactics. They are not below kidnap, rape and slavery for profit. The only people they seem to see as humans are those that bear the SS insignia.Favored methods include making use of the tunnels under Ul'dah to do guerilla warfare and this often includes kidnapping of important members for use in blackmail. Not even the sultan sworn can match their knowledge of the tunnels of Ul’dah and this is how they make their way through the place and emerge to commit crimes while escaping from sight. Using such methods they have managed to kidnap and ransack multiple targets. Using blackmail and ransom to threaten local stores and various high profile targets to their advantage. The rumors of their cruel methods are not unfounded and the local folks do not want to be anywhere near their sights.While they may employ technology, it’s usually weapons and vehicles under loan from SoC and almost always the easier to manage ones. Their groups usually consist of pugilists, lancers and they favor arm to arm combat. Being able to see blood in combat is something members of the SS favor. The more blood stains they have, the messier and prouder they emerge.While they do not favor technology and equipment, a lot of them tend to favor body enhancing drugs and this has been a problem with managing the SS by and large. In their frenzy, they tend to disobey and lose their focus

Sunken Skulls

[ Basic Overview ][ Notable characters ][ The Enemy ]Noted Area of Operations

Other members of the cartel.Sunken Skulls[ Sons of Coinarch ][ Hand of Hasu ][ Ad Astra Abyssoque ][ Black Sun Collective ]

SS Area of Operations

They have most of their activities outside of thanalan, closer to central with storehouses along various parts of thanalan. Amongst them includes drug growing plants, storage warehouses that store weapons they amassed, drugs in transit, they also have a clinic where they liaise with members of SoC for their medical altering experiments and of course healing. They have recently taken an interest in body alterations.

Sons of Coinarch

Basic Overview[ Notable characters ][ The Enemy ][ Noted Area of Operations ]

Other members of the cartel.[ Sunken Skulls ]Sons of Coinarch[ Hand of Hasu ][ Ad Astra Abyssoque ][ Black Sun Collective ]


Born from the remnants of the Garlean Empire. The Sons of Coinarch are believed to have been an expeditionary force tasked with rummaging the vastless ruins of the Allagan Empire. Something happened down there, something that transformed this expeditionary force into something else. While they did not betray the empire, they ceased most communication and formed their own pseudo faction. Offering the Empire the bare minimum reports and offerings to keep them occupied elsewhere. It worked, and whatever foul relics of the Allagan empire they integrated had transformed them into an organization with a nefarious agenda. They hold a monopoly in the black market Allagan market. Selling the most nefarious items without regulations.Experts in ranged combat, which they’ve honed into combined warfare with Magitek. The armor that dawn the personnel of the SoC are of Garlean design and build, and thus boost their resistance to magik. They know exactly where to fire to pin an operative down before pushing to advance. A force that is highly trained with coordination between the ranks a high importance with how they operate.Gathered intel shows that SoC is making a move towards Tural and have set up a pharmaceutical company known as Solace Pharmaceutical. Their influence in Solution Nine grows daily. Providing services to adventurers and veterans of war alike. Most notably the application of prosthetics for free, alongside drugs and other medical aid.

Sons of Coinarch

[ Basic Overview ]Notable characters[ The Enemy ][ Noted Area of Operations ]

Other members of the cartel.[ Sunken Skulls ]Sons of Coinarch[ Hand of Hasu ][ Ad Astra Abyssoque ][ Black Sun Collective ]

notable members

Leader :
Miqo’te male, Baxe'ir Xisseko.
Baxe’ir was never well attuned with aether. To compensate for this he focused everything he can to allagan tech, then over to Garlean as it became more accessible. He especially despises magic wielders and seemingly wishes to eliminate them without prejudice. Tech superiority.
Powle Brasher
Midlander male, Older. focused purely upon Allegan tech. The Avatar. Has spliced appendages. Advocating the group to stick to their original purpose which is to confiscate and use Garlean tech. Fights Captain 2.
Nonus wir Pilus
Garlean male, younger. Focused purely on Garlean tech. Sniper Assassin. A scientist or researcher of Garlemald. Advocates and fights for the repurpose of Garlean tech. Fights with Captain 1.
Otgiva Hunt
Highlander, female. A new captain freshly brought up in the ranks.Technologist. They don't particularly feel one way or the other, more so wishing to expand the business of the group to make it more profitable. Even if it means changing their original purpose.

Sons of Coinarch

[ Basic Overview ][ Notable characters ]The Enemy[ Noted Area of Operations ]

Other members of the cartel.[ Sunken Skulls ]Sons of Coinarch[ Hand of Hasu ][ Ad Astra Abyssoque ][ Black Sun Collective ]

What we know

Strengths :
Ranged weaponry and constructs. Increased position and effectiveness with ranged weapons. Constructs have increased defenses. Armor aether resistant.
Weaknesses :
Close ranged attacks. Physical damage.
Quirks :
They personalize and modify their weapons to such a high degree that they find themselves extremely attached to their weapons. Almost to a religious degree. If someone manages to obtain their weapon, they will fall apart quickly.

Unit Notes

  • +1 Resistance to all Magik applied to them.

  • The legion's eyes - Once an operative spotted, all members of the legion can pinpoint their exact location and fire upon them without prejudice.

  • The blue blood's blessing - It is advised at all cost that Operatives do not drink, or have any contact with the blue substance they seem injecting themselves with. Unknown harmful effects will occur.


Rank 1 (2 units of health per.)

Most of their ranks are Garleans, however recently they’ve taken almost all races in the Star. Each body however must integrate themselves as Foederati, the beating heart of the legion. They are trained and flow to any part at a moment's notice. Constant drilling ensures they remain in formation. Keeping to teams of 4 or 5. They keep in tight formations and communicate through a series of hand signals and key phrases. The Foederati know their role, and will hold the line to the bitter end if it means it can push the legions goals.

They prefer to fight at range, and will attempt to break off from engagement to continue firing at a range. Unless ordered otherwise. If within range, and notice 3 operatives close together, there is a 50/50 chance they will throw a grenade which will cause T1 shrapnel damage to all Operatives within the blast. Whatever agenda, or goal the SoC desires, it is normally the Foederati that are ordered to achieve it. (Example: It is almost always the Foederati who grab the valuable briefcase and run


Rank 2. (4 units of health per.)

There is a rumor within the SoC where with enough time, and duty, a Foederati is given a chance to leave the legion. What happens if they make that choice, is unknown. But those who agree to stay are promoted to the Evocatus. They stand nearly a whole head taller than the Foederati with a presence that doesn’t just demand, but expect it. They are granted better armor, and weapons. With a higher dose of the blue blood into their body. Giving them powers to almost seemingly communicate with the legion wordlessly. It is the Evocatus that pulls the direction of the legion for the Magisters. Following their will with extreme prejudice.

The Evocatus can ensure that the legion will /never/ retreat within their presence. Upon witnessing a Foederati squad fall they can force them to fire upon the enemy one last time before perishing. The firepower of every ranged attack is enough to not only deal T2 damage, but knock an operative down into a desperate position.


Rank 3. (8 units of health per.)

The mere presence of a Praetorian is enough to rouse the legion into a singular focus. The origins of how one becomes a Praetorian is a mystery. Whatever training, or alterations they withstand has transformed them into these behemoths. They show no emotion, and answer to no one but the Magisters. While the Evocatus must have some synergy with the rest of the Legion. The Praetorians follow a higher order. They carry a high concentration of this blue blood and it is with this that grants them an inhumane resilience.

Everything the Evocatus are capable of doing. Their firepower can destroy any and all cover that is between them. And if close enough, they can charge through a surface as hard as brick with a thunderous charge. Magitek, or devices fueled by Ceruleum they seem to have some control over with just their minds, able to wrestle control of Operatives devices if they are within 20 fulms from them. (They can hijack turrets, hoverbikes, cloaking devices. To either deactivate or use against the operatives.) They will not fall upon their death, instead, fueled by their blue blood, they can, and will fire everything they have upon the nearest operative. Unleashing a T3 wound if killed in melee.

Sons of Coinarch

[ Basic Overview ][ Notable characters ][ The Enemy ]Noted Area of Operations

Other members of the cartel.[ Sunken Skulls ]Sons of Coinarch[ Hand of Hasu ][ Ad Astra Abyssoque ][ Black Sun Collective ]

SoC Area of Operations

Garlemald, Ilsebard, Ishgard, Old Sharalyan, Tural

Hand of Hasu

Basic Overview[ Notable characters ][ The Enemy ][ Noted Area of Operations ]

Other members of the cartel.[ Sunken Skulls. ][ Sons of Coinarch. ]Hand of Hasu[ Ad Astra Abyssoque. ][ Black Sun Collective ]


“It’s mercy, compassion, forgiveness that I lack. Not rationality.”To preserve their honor and carry out the will of the Snow Lotus. Hired hands that seek to preserve balance and bring retribution upon enemies of HoH.The Hand of Hanu seek to preserve their honor and their place as shadowy manipulators. Hired hands that strike without warning. Silently they remove obstacles and strike decisively against their enemies to cripple and destroy.Their members are made out of roughly 60% of courtesans, and the other 40% are religious people, housekeepers, barmaids, and various unassuming jobs throughout kugane. Roles that allow them to blend in without raising suspicion. Some have also taken on roles such as heiresses and wives of important figures, biding their time till they can strike, undetected.Most of them are orphans, slaves, abandoned, runaways with nothing left to lose. Women who felt that society has left them for death and leave them with nowhere to turn. It is then, as if they had already been watching, members of HoH emerge from the shadows to offer them a new life. One that required their pledged loyalty and would grant them the power to retake their lives. They are given new names, learn the art of ninjutsu and taught that HoH are their new family.While other groups may rely on numbers, HoH form extremely small groups of highly trained assassins and tend to operate in cells of 2-3. Each member is hand picked by their predecessor and trained with the goal to take over them. Each mentor has at most 1-2 successors while the more senior and skilled ones can have up to 3. They are ranked First Petal to 8th Petal. First being the highest. There is no significant difference in skill apart from what one would learn from experience.There are three branches within HoH. The Snake, the Fox, and the Crow. Each led by a different First Petal officer.The snakes, known within them as the Jade Petals are masters of poison and have the uncanny ability to squeeze into tight spaces and vanish into shadows. Their members tend towards green colors and are extremely small in build. They rely on paralysis and other deadly toxins and have built up a resistance to their own concoctions. If one looks carefully at the Jade petals you’ll find that their tongues have taken a slight purplish hue due to the amount of poisons they ingest. The Jade Petals are headed by Chiyo Hanagawa.The Foxs, known within themselves as Moon Petals are masters of disguise and are responsible for some of the most difficult infiltration assassinations. Their members have mastered the art of using various combinations of glamour and practical disguises as well as simply the ability to act in any given situation. Many of whom have forgotten their own identities and simply live their assumed guises till their death, all while carrying out their assigned mission without fail. The Moon Petals are headed by Kuroyukihime.The Crows, known within as Dark Petals are masters of surveillance and have the ability to go across all sorts of terrains. They are masters at climbing and crossing unimaginable terrains using various means such as gliders or grappling hooks. They tend to drop into a battle where they’re least expected and have the means to depart without being detected. They have the ability to use aether wind pulses like sonar and thus detect what their eyes do not see.The Lotus Law
🔸the word of the higher petal is law, obey
🔸the lotus family take precedence over any personal matters,
🔸do not lie or deceive your sisters. Revenge your sister, always
🔸the job is to be executed without question, always
🔸do not bond with outsiders, always
🔸do not acknowledge the existence of the lotus to outsiders, always
🔸do not harm children, nurture them unless struck first
🔸do not trust men, ever

Hand of Hasu

[ Basic Overview ]Notable characters[ The Enemy ][ Noted Area of Operations ]

Other members of the cartel.[ Sunken Skulls. ][ Sons of Coinarch. ]Hand of Hasu[ Ad Astra Abyssoque. ][ Black Sun Collective ]

notable members

Kyoko Hanagawa "Snow Lotus" :
Started off as courtesan refugees of Doman during the garlean occupation, they fled to Kugane where they tolerated but not necessarily welcomed. They were guarded by injured or retired fighters and adventurers of Doma. Kyoko started as one of these refugees, working as a respected courtesan, who gave purpose to those broken fighters of Doma and encouraged their teachings to be rolled into the younger generation of courtesans. Structure was formed, disciplined and applied. What started off as a rag tag group of low-tier sex workers became a cobweb of information gathering and assassination. It started off as a way to protect the refugees that left Doma, but as the gil began to gather. Blackmail was once used as a form to swat away threats, but instead used to bend the knee of those they could utilize.


Chiyo Hanagawa :
Chiyo is a high-end oiran working at the red light district. She is the younger sister of Kyoko, originally sold off to another pleasure house, separate from her sister. But as Kyoko's power and influence grew, her informants managed to locate Chiyo and the house she worked in. Gutai assassins were sent and the house, siezing the property, along with the house masters. Those that didnt bend to Gutai's will were killed and those who remained became loyal to Kyoko out of fear. Seeing the plethora of affluent clients the house hosted, it would be a waste to simply burn it down. And thus Gutai would use this pleasure house as a means to keep a leash on the elites of Kugane, milking them for money, power, and influence through their courtesans.
With her title is 'Oiran', Chiyo became the front of the house. Her cunningness and charms made her an excellent business woman and networker and within a few years, she had controlled a significant portion of the geisha houses in the pleasure district by the means of extortion and blackmail. It is through her vast network that has allowed Gutai assassins 'day jobs/cover jobs' as courtesans.Personality: as an Oiran, her outward appearance is flawless: she presents herself as a kind, graceful woman, caring and doting at times and always wearing a warm smile. It is very easy for people to lower their guard around the fair damsel, but doing so may lead to their doom. Chiyo doesn't fight with martial arts, her weapons are instead, poisons and needles. Her preferred method of execution is poison or paralysis, administered by discretely throwing a needle tipped with poison or paralysis substance, poisoning her target's food or drinks during service, or stabbing them with a coated blade in bed.Kuroyukihime (Yuki) :
Sometime in her early days fleeing from Doma, Kyoko came across an injured fox who had been shot by a garlean rifle. Seeing that the empire had injuried the young kit, Kyoko took pity on the fox and tended to its wounds. As it turns out, this fox was a young kitsune, likely having wandered too far from home. Even after being healed, the fox would follow Kyoko around and consider her to be her 'mother'. After some years past, Yuki would gain the ability to shapeshift into human form and she often takes the faces of beautiful female courtesans, some of which may be deceased. Her shapeshifting ability has allowed her to impersonate lost loved ones and spouses, making her to be an exceptional spy and manipulator.
Personality: as with most Kitsune, Yuki is playful and mischievous, but also exceptionally loyal to Kyoko. She takes much pleasure in manipulating others and impersonating their beloved as a means to bend them to her will. Her martial prowlness matches Kyoko and the other elite assassins. Above that she also has powers of a kitsune: shapeshifting into other forms (usually female), possession: making another's body to move at her will (usually when the target is asleep. The spell is broken when they are awake and the target will only vaguely recall what happened as a vivid dream), and compulsion: charming their mark to act on their impulses.
Note that possession and compulsion are slightly different:
Possession is when she "takes over" a body like a puppet. Making them do or say things when the victim's conscious is asleep like run around naked on the street. Something that the target may never do themselves. This is limited by only what the target is able to do without much skill. For example, it doesn't take much brainpower to run naked on the street. But if that person is a skilled caster or a hacker, the kitsune wouldn't be able to tap into their specialized abilities, since using them requires that person to be awake and conscious.Charm is more like persuasion/sway where she pulls on their impulses. Like if someone really /wants/ to kill a person out of anger but is holding themselves back, she might charm them to go through with it. From the target's perspective, they would be imagining how they want to kill that person, but when they blink out of it they realized they had actually done it and it was not just a mental image. (Think dark urge from BG3)Gin Nobutoshi (the Crow) :
Only know as "the Crow" or "Crow", he started as a member of the East Aldengrad Trading Company, using the company's vast trade networks to smuggle good and people through borders. It was rumored that he was born Doman, having served as a general during Kaien's reign. It was said he had helped a number of refugees escape during the occupation, one of which was Kyoko.
Originally somewhat of a "good man" that had since been corrupted by Gutai's growing power and influence. The pleasure district promised wealth and hedonism and after decades of barely scraping by, the Crow would grow all too eager to indulge. While Kyoko's sister, Chiyo, was the front, the Crow managed things from the back. His alias is a result his work as an informant, of having eyes and ears, not only over the East, but all over the world.Personality: the Crow has the air of a commander, an older man, likely in his 50s. Though he was as manipulative as the other captains of Gutai, he doesn't hold a front in pretending to be kind. He is cruel but not particularly sadistic - often ending lives as a means of convenience rather than pleasure. Although he is a master samurai, he often has his subordinates handle the dirty work for him. Everytime his own blade is drawn, one thing is for certain - blood will be spilled. He isnt particularly 'loyal' towards Kyoko in sworn. Moreso he was recgonized by Kyoko as an ally from her humble beginnings and have assisted her in the rise to power. He doesn't consider himself a "subordinate" or Kyoko but rather a 'friend' with mutual benefits.

Hand of Hasu

[ Basic Overview ][ Notable characters ]The Enemy[ Noted Area of Operations ]

Other members of the cartel.[ Sunken Skulls. ][ Sons of Coinarch. ]Hand of Hasu[ Ad Astra Abyssoque. ][ Black Sun Collective ]

what we know

HoH moves only when they are hired or when seeking vengeance. Especially one particular white haired viera that scorn their ranks. They do not seek to torture, unless it is a necessity. They take no pleasure in killing but they are very good at it. They operate by blending into the background in order to strike when the opponents think they are safe and they're capable of such feats due to a rigorous training from master to student. Where a sensei will devote a few years of their time in order to impart their knowledge and knowhows. HoH that do not past their training are not allowed to depart their camp and will die trying or remain in their super secretive camp in Doma.Members of HoH are master assassination, subterfuge and sabotage. A single HoH has the capacity to sneak into an enemy encampment and be able to deal a crippling blow to their capabilities on most counts. A cell of HoH members tends to leave a smoking ruin by day break.They are capable of disguising themselves or laying in wait for moons waiting for the opportune time to strike. While the Dark Petals tend to favor surveillance, it is often the Jade or Moon petals that will carry out the task of slaying.

Hand of Hasu

[ Basic Overview ][ Notable characters ][ The Enemy ]Noted Area of Operations

Other members of the cartel.[ Sunken Skulls. ][ Sons of Coinarch. ]Hand of Hasu[ Ad Astra Abyssoque. ][ Black Sun Collective ]

Known Area of Operations

Their members are almost exclusively eastern in origins but they have been known to show up almost anywhere

Ad Astra Abyssoque

Basic Overview[ Notable characters ][ The Enemy ][ Noted Area of Operations ]

Other members of the cartel.[ Sunken Skulls ][ Sons of Coinarch ][ Hand of Hasu ]Ad Astra Abyssoque[ Black Sun Collective ]


The Ad Astra Abyssoque started it’s quest as one of many of the Ishgardian Cults that sprang up in the early years of the empires history. Like all mortals the Elezen in who composed the Abyssoques predecessors wanted to know what the meaning of their lives was, if any meaning at all, and wished to carve a purpose for themselves in the universe. Gradually this turned their eyes to the stars above them and they wondered what things lay out in the void of space, just beyond their reach.Tirelessly they worked to understand the finer points of Aether manipulation and the use of stranger magics like Akasha, they had developed a somewhat firm understanding of what this magic was to some degree before the Final Days even came upon the Star. They simply lacked a few of the puzzle pieces, pieces that even now they are trying to gather in service to the strange otherworldly beings they call ‘Gods’ and their offspring. Though one might be tempted to believe they think they come from another world, their followers claim vehemently that they are native to ours. After all, just because one looks to the Stars above, that doesn’t mean they can’t look to the Star below, and the Abyss that lies within.It's unclear why precisely they have been so strongly attracted to the Big Five, their goals do not strictly reflect those of the others in their organization and they have quite a bit of power to stand on their own. The Garlean elements of the SoC in particular are not terribly fond of their superstitious allies and yet they deal some of the most heavy business with each other. Material shipments constantly going in and out of Ishgard to SoC holdings across the Star, with mysterious containers sent back in return.Their relationship with the Hands of Hasu and the Sunken Skulls is a bit more neutral, not having a strong apparent opinion on either group. Though some of the cultists seem to regard the HoH with a strange sort of familiarity. Ancient history between the two perhaps?Finally the Black Sun Collective seems to regard the AAA with a notable amount of fondness, with no apparent antagonism between the groups. In fact the one thing all of the disparate cults of the AAA seem to agree on is treating the BSC as their brothers and sisters in arms. To say it was curious is an understatement given the radically different walks of life these two groups hold, yet the bond is as strong as blood.

Ad Astra Abyssoque

[ Basic Overview ]Notable characters[ The Enemy ][ Noted Area of Operations ]

Other members of the cartel.[ Sunken Skulls ][ Sons of Coinarch ][ Hand of Hasu ]Ad Astra Abyssoque[ Black Sun Collective ]

Notable members

One of the Gods of the AAA, our first encounter with Lilith happened when we needed to defend a relic of theirs in Ishgard. Within short order we were swarmed by a host of supernatural entities that appeared from what seemed to be thin air. After pushing our way through the horde we eventually found ourselves face to face with the Goddess, or rather Ryathei did and in the process attempted to disable her.
Physical violence was wholly ineffective and after the incident she was off our radar for some time, almost vanishing off our radar entirely. In the meantime our allies in the Unconquered Suns have been combing through their personal records on her and have come up with several different interactions with the Blood Goddess. Apparently she's as old, if not older, then the Sun's themselves and they consider each other 'good friends' that occasionally have 'violent disagreements' and apparently they consider this one such disagreement, a disagreement which they're willing to supply Invictus weapons and resources over.Recently she resurfaced in Dravania and Eastern Coerthas, holding banquets and treating her guests to exotic feasts from around the world. Rarely does she ever show up to these events and when she does, those there can hardly remember what she looks like. Between those present all of them have a different description of the Goddess, if they can recall anything at all. Strengths: ???
Weaknesses: ???
Warnings: DON'T. STAB. HER. Threat Level: S+

Man in the Wall:
The Man in the Wall is like all of the AAA's gods a mystery, even to the AAA themselves. A strange being of immense proportions composed of countless limbs and possessed of incredible power. True to his name, he appears to live in the walls of the world, both the literal and metaphorical ones. Sometimes people feel his presence pressing against the very air of Coerthas and among those in the Brume there's a few instances of supernatural phenomina that are attached to him, or at least to entities like him.
According to local folklore the Man in the Wall was once exactly that, a man who was captured by the Inquisition centuries ago. The stories go that the church hunted him down as a outspoken critic of the Dragonsong War and a gifted orator that threatened to incite a rebellion among the masses. When he was taken to the Dungeons of Ishgard he was, quite literally, placed into one of the walls underground and buried alive brick by brick. However he did not die as we knew him, the people believed so strongly in his vision for a better city that he ascended to Godhood and his body calcified into the stone as he left his mortal form behind.Like all of the gods, there's a lot of metaphor built into the physical form he takes. The most common interpretation is that each one of those hands represents both the masses that fought for his freedom and the people who imprisoned him and dozen's of other dissidents into the dungeons below the city. Symbolic or not, each limb is incredibly powerful and it's safe to assume they probably hurt. Strengths: ???
Weaknesses: ???
Warnings: He appears to be the 'Jailor' of the AAA and as such if you're captured it's quite likely you're going to run into him. He also appears to be attached to the Angels the AAA like to employ in some form, where there is one it's safe to assume you can expect to see the other. Do not try to catch the hands. Threat Level: S+

Ad Astra Abyssoque

[ Basic Overview ][ Notable characters ]The Enemy[ Noted Area of Operations ]

Other members of the cartel.[ Sunken Skulls ][ Sons of Coinarch ][ Hand of Hasu ]Ad Astra Abyssoque[ Black Sun Collective ]

Units and Stats

Details below

The Tide


Proxy image

Rank 1 (2 units of health per.)

“Every drop is supplication, every cut is a window to the soul, the beating of your heart is the song of the Abyss and the fire in your eyes is the essence of life. What point is existence without passion? What point is a life not spent on the edge? Better than anyone she understands what matters is the flesh we’re made of and the blood in our veins. She is the source from which our waters flow, and it is an ocean that will drown you.” - Saint Cencile speaking before her execution under the Holy See.The blood and soul of Lilith’s devoted, the Tide compose the rank and file of the Sworns forces. It is easy to think that they might be disposable cannon fodder, but anyone who has come into contact with them knows that they are anything but. Each warrior under Lilith’s command holds some degree of martial skill that has either caught it’s eye or has drawn the attention of one of it’s chief subordinates. It does not accept those who do not show some measure of skill into the folds of it’s fighting force, and each Devotee must prove their mettle in the ring of combat. They move in tight military formations and fight back to back, each one of them protecting the other as though their life dependent on it. They seem nearly immune to fear, and it’s more likely the Star would break apart under their feat then they would fail to hold the line.

Generally prefers melee combat, but they are not incapable of striking at a range. Each of them is equipped with a firearm of some description, but it’s a last resort if they can’t close the gap or it’s completely impossible to reach the target. Fond of attrition tactics, will bleed out their targets in hand to hand combat. That’s literal, if they get close and stab someone it’s likely with a serrated blade intended to cause further tearing and internal damage, giving a 25% chance that a T1 harm is upgraded to a T2. The Sworn of Lilith are known for being loyal and honorable warriors. Unfortunately they follow the realistic interpretation of Knights Honor as opposed to what other City States think it is. Which is to say: They’ll honor their deals, respect their Oaths, tell the truth and be very polite to you while holding an axe to your neck. But they’ll also hit you below the belt, punch you in the back of the head, trip you into a pile of rocks,throw dirt in your eyes, and are incredibly fond of poisoning their weapons with venoms designed to make continued fighting agonizing. 50% chance to Inflict 1 stress in addition to whatever damage they deal to an operative.



Proxy image

Rank 2 (8 Units of Health Per.)

“I’m disgusted that the masses would dare mistake us for one of your servants. A thousand years of life and what have your pitiful kind done with it? Lament and bemoan the treachery of man, languish in your caves, and torture the weak and the feeble for your sport. Worse than evil, you’re pathetic, you do not deserve a clean death.” - Saint Voitteux Leauvoy after flaying a dragon alive and in the process of slowly driving his greatsword into it’s lungs.
The Sanguinary make up the Captains of the Sworns ground forces. Each of them is heavily armed and armored, often wearing the trophies of past conquests. They favor large two handed weapons like greatswords, Halbards, and ornate lances. At this point in their development they have begun to show signs of Liliths touch in their body. Vines weave their way into the Knights insides and their strength becomes so immense that they can rip the limb off a large scalekin with their hands alone.
Fiercely protective of those under their command, each one of the Sanguinary is a skilled tactician and devoted to Lilith’s vision. They fight back to back and when they are on the field all those under the AAA, regardless of whatever subfaction they are part of, take note of their involvement.

The Sanguinary are well aware of the strength of numbers on the battlefield, they understand that a warrior caught alone is one that is easily picked off in the field. They keep tabs on both themselves and their subordinates and aren’t afraid of using overwhelming force. Some Sanguinary patrols have a third Knight or a Tide attachment to their group Wielding some strange form of emotion based magic, the Sanguinary seek to break the will of their opponents before breaking their bodies in a show of dominance. Charging themselves with Dark Aether they unleash a wave of spikes through the ground, impaling their opponents on spikes made of the raw terror that lives in all mortal souls. 50% to deal 2 stress in addition to whatever damage they deal. The Sanguinary are protective of each other as well as their underlings. During a fight they may choose to skip an attack and instead make an offering to Lilith for protection, regenerating the health or preventing the damage dealt to one unit by 2 for each one in still standing in their unit.

The Miracles


Proxy image

Rank 3 (24 Units of health.)

“Blood is the source of what we are, it is the essence from which our souls flow. Through its rivers our memories are given form, when it’s spilled all of who we are waters the earth below and gives way for life anew. Existence never truly ends, it simply takes on a new meaning. That is what we are, we are the birth of life anew. Do not think of this as death, only as a different kind of shape.” -The Grieving.
At the highest echelons of the Sworn are the Miracles. Men, women, and everything inbetween who have so thoroughly bonded with Lilith and her blood that they are taken as proof of her divinity by their mere existence. The keepers of Sanguis Dei, the heart of the cult and some say a direct conduit to the Goddess herself. Each one of them is imbued with terrible magical power and even more astounding physical strength. Able to rip men apart with any one of their limbs or wrestle a grown Minotaur to the ground, to face a Miracle in combat is to fight an avatar of life itself. Some may construe their cloaked bodies as that of some sort of grim reaper but they are anything but. Behind them plants grow wilder, the hearts passions become hotter, and madness hammers itself into your mind with the beat of your heart.

The Miracle has a series of barbed plant tendrils that can rip out of it’s body at any time and lash on to an opponent, inflicting a maddening poison into their body. A derivative of Dragonsvenom that will knock down an operatives position and inflict a dice penalty on to their next action, this is a multi-attack that can hit several targets in melee. Each one has superhuman strength and agility.. They can rip concrete out of the ground with ease, keep pace with a hoverbike,and leap onto an climb a tall building to get to their target. They can, and will, simply break the environment to deal damage if need be and force operatives into a desperate position in the process. The mere presence of a Miracle anywhere in the operation is enough to empower every other unit on the field, even the supernatural entities and cultists unaligned with the Sworn. Each one of them gets a + 2 bonus to their total HP and if an operative attempts a resistance roll against any one of them a backlash of shadow energy will deal one extra stress damage to them, even with a perfect six this cannot be mitigated Depending on what Miracle they embody, each one may empower their followers with a special ability, No Miracle can truly die so long as the Sworn exist, even the annihilation of Lilith herself would not be able to do so. How many there are and what their powers might be is something we will have to discover. .

Ad Astra Abyssoque

[ Basic Overview ][ Notable characters ][ The Enemy ]Noted Area of Operations

Other members of the cartel.[ Sunken Skulls ][ Sons of Coinarch ][ Hand of Hasu ]Ad Astra Abyssoque[ Black Sun Collective ]

Area of Operations

Ishgard, Coerthas, Dravania, the Twelveswood.

Black Sun Collective

Basic Overview[ Notable characters ][ The Enemy ][ Noted Area of Operations ]

Other members of the cartel.[ Sunken Skulls ][ Sons of Coinarch ][ Hand of Hasu ][ Ad Astra Abyssoque ]Black Sun Collective


To talk about the Black Sun Collective is to talk of the natural arc of history. Beyond philosophy, beyond gods and goddesses, beyond the search for meaning to our lives is a core desire that trumps everything. The desire to be fed, to be safe, to be comfortable, to be stable, and to shape the world into our vision. Such was the case for the Black Sun Collective, beginning in the place where so many of these stories often do: Ul'dah.Power, prestige, security, this was what the forebearers of the Collective desired above all. To live in a world where their power and influence could drive the direction of the world, make it into what it was always meant to be. Some must rule so others can be free, some must wield power for those who do not, that it sometimes took the shape of them preserving their own interests was only natural. After all, how could one better mankind if they were no longer around to lead?It was under this noble goal that the Black Sun Collective drew in it's membership all around the world. What started as a small collection of politicians and scientists quickly grew into a sprawling complex of interconnected leadership spanning the Star.It'a hard to discern if the BSC has any unifying ideology or broader plans, it's harder still to understand why precisely they are so interested in the rest of the Big Five. Deep pockets seem to fund drug running operations and charity work with equal fervor. They push and pull at pawns all across the board and while we know they exist, they seem to barely notice us at times. We know the other four come to their aid with the slightest pull, we know too that they have a vested interest in keeping the others alive and well. For the most part they have kept their eyes away from our operations, but the bolder we grow the more the Black Sun Collective grows irritated with our existence, it's only a matter of time before they decide to do more direct intervention.What we do know is that the BSC has integrated itself into every City State we've come into contact with and their leadership, if it's even their leadership, occupies the important functions in every level of society. Politicians, cutting edge scientists, medical geniuses and talented engineers without peer. They are composed of the best, the brightest, and the most dangerous.Also maybe an Astrologer who gives dubious tarot readings in Coerthas and claims to have previously worked for an Archbishop? we're still doing research.But in every case they are rubbing elbows with the rich and the powerful, their political ideologies and personal beliefs are varied to the point it's hard to believe all of them would be under the same umbrella. How or why they have become so entrenched is a mystery to be solved, and for now that burden falls on us.

Black Sun Collective

[ Basic Overview ]Notable characters[ The Enemy ][ Noted Area of Operations ]

Other members of the cartel.[ Sunken Skulls ][ Sons of Coinarch ][ Hand of Hasu ][ Ad Astra Abyssoque ]Black Sun Collective

notable members

No Data.

Black Sun Collective

[ Basic Overview ][ Notable characters ]The Enemy[ Noted Area of Operations ]

Other members of the cartel.[ Sunken Skulls ][ Sons of Coinarch ][ Hand of Hasu ][ Ad Astra Abyssoque ]Black Sun Collective

what we know

No Data.

Black Sun Collective

[ Basic Overview ][ Notable characters ][ The Enemy ]Noted Area of Operations

Other members of the cartel.[ Sunken Skulls ][ Sons of Coinarch ][ Hand of Hasu ][ Ad Astra Abyssoque ]Black Sun Collective

Area of Operations

No Data.